Thursday, 24 January 2013

Passion in the freezing cold that is Stockholm.

While I was downtown I thought I'd go and go look at a store called to check out what maps they have in the area around where I plan to ride my bike.

While in the store and firmly entranced by one of the maps I overheard to guys speaking in English, standing on the other side of the shelf I was near they commented that the store didn't have maps of Albania. So I told them it was on my side of the bookshelf.

When one of the guys came around he right away noticed I had a map of Albania unfolded on a small table;

Guy; Oh are you going there?
Me; Yeah I am going from Skopje in Macedonia through Albania for the most part and then into Greece.
Guy; Cool, what route are you taking?
*I pointed out the planned route*
Guy; This road is really heavily trafficked so you should avoid it...

This goes on and on, he and I talk for like 15-20 minutes and he gives me tips and pointers on my planned route so I have decided to shorten it by about 200 km skipping some parts and making sure its a vacation and not an exercise.

The moral of the story was that it was great to actually talk to someone who was passionate about Albania, he said I can't go wrong wherever I go there.

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