Saturday, 16 February 2013

Training 16/2 2013 av nordlund75 på Garmin Connect - Spelare

Training 16/2 2013 av nordlund75 på Garmin Connect - Spelare

First longer attempt on my bicycle went extremely well I think, it isn't training really, more so preparation for my legs, butt and stamina since its just above one month before I head down to Macedonia.

Sure, I will feel it more tomorrow and my thighs burn now but all things considered it felt just great for the first hour and a half.

Afterwards I stopped by my job, ICA Supermarket Sundbyberg, and shopped some things for this evening and tomorrow;

The jars contain pear-marmalade with saffron and chili, Nuts mixed with rosemary and honey,  the cheeses are a 18 month cave-aged Gruyére and Brie de Meaux. The (small) bottles is a Amarone classico della Valpolicello and a Campolieti Ripasso. A little today and a little tomorrow!

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