Friday, 7 March 2014

The thirty-nine year-old rookie.

Tomorrow I make my grand entrance in (for you englishspeaking people it's this;, The Swedish Floor ball league, check out this youtube video.


As I grew up in the north of Sweden we often played this game, probably to such an extent that it was border lining on addiction. What it also was for me was a passion, I love competition even when the odds are against me and I was never especially good in the game when I was young, partially due to being unfit and overweight. I also always played with my friends and never in the "real" teams and while this isn't professional it's probably rather close.

As I moved down to Stockholm I lost my contact with the sport since it's hard to get a group together to play and even harder to find spots to play in.

A few weeks ago we started talking at work about getting a group together and play but it never got anywhere, I did however get to hear about the above league and found a team that was looking for players.

I talked with the guy in charge and once I heard they played in division 1 last year and asked to get moved down to division 2 due to a better schedule I got hesitant to what level of skill will be required to to oneself justice. He convinced my though and while I am still very unsure about how this will turn out tomorrow I jump in in a match right away without ever seen the guys in the team.

Here's hoping I don't make a fool out of myself and can enjoy my rookie season even if it might very well start and end tomorrow...

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